Ohio State Sucks Funny Urban Meyer

one. They have a vocal most how they hate Michigan.

2. The song talks about how they don't care virtually Michigan, simply the hilarious irony is that they say they don't intendance, but they went through the trouble of writing a vocal about information technology.

three. How abrasive it is when they spell O-H-I-O. (Merely sometimes they screw information technology up)

four. And sometimes they do information technology in a totally tasteless manner.

v. They are arrogant to believe the word "The" belongs to them.

half-dozen. They get mad near beingness called "Ohio", merely their marching band spells "OHIO" every week.

7. This annoying superfan who always gets on Telly.

viii. And this one.

9. And let's non forget the super creepy 1.

10. Fans line up in droves to embrace these weirdos and become their pictures taken with them, helping to elevate their glory condition.

11. They also cover people who were fired for cheating every bit heroes.

12. Likewise as people who were fired for punching opposing players.

xiii. Decades later, the fans oasis't learned to treat opponents ameliorate.

14. And they treat coolers the same style, pooping in them.

fifteen. Crossing out the letter "M" is i of the dumbest (duXbest?) things I've e'er seen.

16. Just if you're going to practice it, at least get all of them (similar the one in the ALL CAPS Discussion "TEAMS")

17. The Evan Turner shot in March 2012 that ruined my afternoon.

18. Anthony Gonzalez'southward TD in 2005 that ruined a perfectly good upset.

19. The interception on the 2 indicate conversion that ruined an even better upset in 2013.

20. Casey Anthony is a huge fan.

21. Jeffrey Dahmer attended schoolhouse there.

22. Cardale Jones plays football at that place, just doesn't play school there.

23. Andy Katzenmoyer played school...sort of.

24. They won 23 direct games, so lost the 24th, and suddenly have no appreciation of the 23 at all.

25. ESPN's beloved thing with Aaron Craft.

26. How their fans universally say "ESPN hates us, they're so biased against OSU", but every time you turn on ESPN, y'all'll see Joey Galloway, Chris Spielman, Robert Smith, Kirk Herbstreit, and formerly Urban Meyer.

27. How their fans used to detest Urban Meyer when he was at Florida and telephone call him a slimeball, and defend him doing the exact aforementioned stuff at OSU.

28. The whole "It's (insert fourth dimension here), and Michigan withal sucks!" thing. (Or is it Xichigan?)

29. The time I was at Cedar Point with my son (historic period half dozen at the fourth dimension) in our Michigan shirts, and some OSU fan yelled "It's 7:15 and Michigan however sucks heh heh heh" toward u.s.. Still, that was a great way to ensure my son would remain a Michigan fan, despite growing upwardly in Ohio. (I truly don't mind getting a hard time from OSU fans, but leave my first grader out of information technology, FTLOG)

thirty. How LeBron is embraced equally the ambassador of OSU basketball and football, despite never attending college at all.

31. The urinals at the Horseshoe. They are built on a wall that stands well-nigh four.5 feet high, and they are built dorsum to dorsum. That means you can see people beyond from yous peeing at the aforementioned time. And that ways if you're wearing opposing team gear, you lot go the catcalls and heckles from drunk OSU fans in a moment that should be very private. Information technology's something I would never wish on anyone

32. Their AD Factor Smith is an ultra shady dude who somehow always keeps his job, despite his role in Tatgate and continually looking the other manner when information technology comes fourth dimension for player discipline.

33. You never see Jim Tressel and the Warden from Shawshank Redemption in the aforementioned place at the same time.

34. They were a 13-point favorite over MSU concluding week, Michigan needed them to win, and they high-strung. The in one case we had to root for them, they lost, and we couldn't fully enjoy an OSU loss.

35. Aside from the SEC, they lead the entire state in pickup trucks with decals of Calvin peeing on things.

36. They not only permit this creepy guy within 500 anxiety of their schools, they let him right in their classroom.

37. Michigan should accept gone to the Rose Basin in 1973, not Ohio Country.

38. At my starting time Michigan game ever (Michigan-OSU in 1995), my dad and I were at the Big Business firm, stuck behind 2 smelly OSU fans that weighed in at a combined one-half-ton or then. This repulsive feel was redeemed by the performances of Tshimanga Biakabutuka and Charles Woodson.

39. When their fans discount the all-fourth dimension serial record between Michigan and OSU considering of "games played in the leather helmet days", merely have no problem counting games played by ineligible players under Jim Tressel.

twoscore. When their fans used Penn State'due south heinous infractions of a few years ago to say that their infractions weren't all that bad by comparison. As if that matters.

41. Their coach "had center problem" at Florida when things got tough, and somehow was miraculously healed a year later, to take over the reigns of an OSU squad loaded with talent.

42. They have a history of losing large games on a national stage that bring embarrassment to the conference.

44. They are egotistic enough to brand a Michigan loss to some other team about themselves, even in the form of t-shirts.

45. Many of them own Applachian Country and even NJIT shirts. They are that obsessed with Michigan. (Don't worry, the irony of me saying they are obsessed during a "58 things I detest about OSU" piece is non lost on me)

46. Their stadium is literally shaped like a toilet basin.

47. Their fans become Ohio country troopers that camp out close to the state borders and pick on drivers attempting to quickly flee the country borders. Fifty-fifty they know everyone wants to go out of Ohio every bit speedily as possible.

48. Their fans are attempting to continue the mullet alive.

49. Iconic Michigan play by play announcer Bob Ufer taught me to do so.

l. Their mascot is so annoying that other mascots can't resist chirapsia him to a pulp.

51. Their fans are so obnoxious and crazy, that they ran Kirk Herbstreit out of their state for using objective analysis on ESPN.

52. Their fans attend games with their "guy on the side" and then get busted on TV.

53. They embrace the guy who flashed the double bird every bit he got ejected from the Big House, even in the course of t-shirts (as seen on Greg Oden here).

54. They lie about the stupidest stuff.

55. They aren't very friendly hosts.

57. Reason #56 has been vacated, just the xiii games OSU vacated for cheating during the Jim Tressel era.

58.They arraign everyone just themselves for their bug.


Source: https://www.maizenbrew.com/2015/11/27/9805918/58-things-i-hate-about-ohio-state

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