Was Teddy Roosevelt Planning to Run for President Again

Savior or Spoiler title



TeddRC2007.115.1.jpgy Roosevelt raising his chapeau. National Photograph Company, ca.1911 RC2007.115.i

With the bump-off of William McKinley on September 14, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th president of the The states. Elected to a full term in 1904, he declared that he considered it his second term and would not run over again. He regretted making this statement almost immediately. Roosevelt would merely be 51 years old when he left function, more able to seek another term. Notwithstanding, determined not to go back on his hope, Roosevelt hand-picked his Secretarial assistant of War and shut friend William Howard Taft to succeed him as the Republican candidate in 1908. William Howard Taft was a reluctant candidate who had no presidential aspirations – what he really wanted was to be a Supreme Court justice. Once elected, Taft was non the progressive candidate that Roosevelt hoped he would be. Roosevelt was especially upset about the undoing of many of his conservation reforms, peculiarly when Taft dismissed Chief Forrester Gifford Pinchot. Taft knew he was a disappointment to Roosevelt, and wrote to him in one letter, "Information technology is at present a year and three months since I causeless role and I have had a hard time." Taft'due south first term performance would eventually convince Roosevelt to go back on his word and run for a third term as president in 1912. Meanwhile, Woodrow Wilson had been president of Princeton Academy since 1902 and was garnering attention by delivering speeches that advocated increased government power to regulate big business organisation. In April of 1910 Wilson was interviewed and rejected as a possible Progressive Party candidate. However, he was courted by Democratic Political party dominate "Sugar" Jim Smith to run for governor of New Bailiwick of jersey later that same year. Party leadership chose him in part because they thought him politically naïve and hands controlled. Instead, after winning the 1910 gubernatorial ballot, Wilson defied the wishes of political party bosses by pushing for reform-minded legislation that included an anti-abuse pecker, an election reform beak, an anti-trust bill and workman's compensation.

The Issues


President William Howard Taft, 1911 speech. Unknown, 1911 RC2008.008.i

While this election had many issues, some of the major bug included were race, immigration, large business and progressive reform. Three of the candidates would have to change their positions in regard to race in lodge to increase their electability. For case, Roosevelt had entertained prominent African American guests at the White House during his presidency. However, he tried to diminish his record of open relations in gild to be more competitive with southern voters. Debs, the socialist candidate, believed securely in racial equality and wanted to include African Americans merely was prevented by his labor union base. On the other hand, Woodrow Wilson was raised in the south during the Civil War and spent much of his campaign trying to minimize the impact of previous writings that revealed racist and anti-immigrant views. Wilson's record on these problems was well documented during his time at Princeton where he wrote an American history textbook containing derogatory statements about new immigrants from Italy, Hungary and Poland. Additionally, he perpetuated a ban on African American admissions while serving as president at Princeton. Candidates too clashed over the part of authorities in regulating big concern. During the late 19th and early 20th century big concern was bigger than ever with the likes of Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, William Randolph Hearst and the Rockefeller family as giants in the business organization world. Taft publically took the position that the regime shouldn't meddle with business, even though he enforced the Sherman Anti-trust Act during his presidency. Roosevelt, on the other hand, believed in having a big authorities capable of regulating big business. Wilson took this even further, finding information technology a moral responsibility of government to break upwards monopolies. The election of 1912 boasted three progressive candidates Wilson, Roosevelt and Debs, while Taft was the only candidate associated with keeping the condition quo. Both Wilson and Roosevelt had a history of going confronting their party bosses with their reform minded government. The fact that both Wilson and Roosevelt were running on a platform advocating change caused a divide in progressive votes that possibly could take gone to one candidate in a conventional election. Roosevelt told a friend, "I would have had a sporting chance if the democrats had put up a reactionary candidate." Roosevelt and Wilson kept their distance from Socialist candidate Eugene Debs, possibly to avert having their plans for reform being compared to his. One of Debs' advisors wrote, "My prediction that Roosevelt would steal our platform actual has been fulfilled."

Campaign Drama


The mammoth chameleon found in U. S. rarely in Africa. Harper'south Weekly, 1912 RC2008.011.11

Just as many of today'south politicians are accused of "flip-flopping" by each other and the media, Roosevelt's divergence from the Republican Party was regularly lampooned on the comprehend of Harper'southward Weekly.  You lot'll run across in this exhibit mag covers where Roosevelt is depicted as a chameleon and as the "newest inflow at the political zoo." Wilson was as well accused of changing his positions, and Taft had a particularly poor opinion of him for doing this, calling him "an utter opportunist." Those who consider past elections to be less scandalous than the current political scene might be surprised to learn that the election of 1912 included a sexual practice scandal.  A member of Roosevelt'south staff came in possession of a dearest letter between Woodrow Wilson and Mary Peck. Though he was urged by advisors to use this to his advantage, Roosevelt declined, maxim, "It was hopeless to convince the public that a man who looked similar a drugstore clerk was in reality a Romeo." In yet some other instance of campaign drama, on October 14, 1912, while on the mode to a speaking engagement in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roosevelt became the victim of an assassination effort. Though he was wounded, Roosevelt insisted on keeping his commitment and spoke for well-nigh an hour before going to the hospital. He began his speech by explaining the situation, saying "it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." Taft, upon hearing the news sent his regards and volunteered to suspend his campaign activities until Roosevelt was able to resume his schedule. Wilson reluctantly agreed to do the same. The rift between Roosevelt and Taft weighed particularly heavily on Taft, who at ane bespeak was so distraught he broke down in tears in front of a reporter. Roosevelt, in the rut of the campaign, hurled such insults at his former best friend as "puzzle-wit" and "fat-head." Taft confided to a friend, "It is hard, very hard, Archie, to run into a devoted friendship going to pieces like a rope of sand."



Wilson and Taft continuing side by side at the White Firm. Unknown, ca. 1912 RC2007.115.2

The lives of Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson and Debs continued to be intertwined long after the election of 1912 was over. Teddy Roosevelt was a persistent thorn in Woodrow Wilson's side for a significant portion of his ii term presidency. Especially disquisitional of Wilson's reluctance to enter WWI after the sinking of the Lusitania on May 17, 1915, Roosevelt toured the country giving speeches to this event. Though he ran for re-election in 1916 with the slogan "he kept united states out of war" Wilson was somewhen forced to ask Congress for a announcement of war on April 2, 1917 after a message from Germany was intercepted informing the German Ambassador to Mexico of plans for "unrestricted submarine warfare" also as a proposal to entice Mexico to enter the state of war as Germany'due south ally by offering reclamation of territory that had get the American states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, should America not go along to remain neutral in the disharmonize. Equally the war effort progressed Wilson would urge the passing of the Sedition Act of 1918, making it illegal to criticize the Usa government during the State of war. It was nether the Sedition Act that Eugene Debs was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison after delivering a speech at the Socialist Party convention in Canton, Ohio. Though he was urged past advisors to issue a pardon to his former opponent, Wilson strenuously refused saying, "I know at that place will be a peachy deal of denunciation of me for refusing this pardon. . . . This human being was a traitor to his country and he will never be pardoned during my assistants." Taft and Roosevelt did somewhen manage to heal their rift through a adventure meeting in the dining room of Chicago'southward Blackstone Hotel in 1918. The 2 men shook hands, evoking cheers and applause from nearby diners. This was their last meeting before Roosevelt'southward death on January 6, 1919. In the end, it was President Warren G. Harding who helped to heal the lingering wounds of the 1912 election battle – finally pardoning Eugene Debs and appointing Taft equally Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921.


1908 Split in Republican Political party already forming. On one side the Republican, "one-time guard," conservatives, who had controlled the party since the 1890's. On the other, the new "insurgents," soon to be called "Progressives." William Howard Taft, manus-picked by Teddy Roosevelt, becomes the 20-seventh President of the United states of america. Taft begins replacing Roosevelt's Cabinet members, creating a rift between the now onetime members and Taft.
1910 Republican Party dissever is widening. Taft calls for the removal of Progressives from the Republican Political party, calling them "disloyal."Roosevelt returns from Africa, reentering politics by becoming a delegate to the New York Land Republican convention. Roosevelt's presence does not narrow the rift within the party. Roosevelt voices, privately, his criticism of Taft every bit an incompetent politician.Woodrow Wilson, erstwhile president of Princeton University, elected Governor of New Bailiwick of jersey.
1911 National Progressive Republican League formed. Master goal was to oppose Taft in the 1912 election.Democratic National Political party looks to the relatively inexperienced Wilson to exist its nominee for the 1912 election.
February 1912 Roosevelt announces his entrance into the 1912 election by stating, "My lid is in the ring." In a speech prior to this annunciation, Roosevelt verbally attacks Taft in public. Privately, Taft fights dorsum. Entrada becomes vicious.
March 1912 Talk amongst Roosevelt supporters that T. R. may exit Republican Party to form a third political party. Roosevelt neither confirms nor denies the possibility.
Apr 1912 Taft decides to publicly respond to Roosevelt's attacks.
June 1912 Roosevelt breaks tradition comes to Chicago to run campaign. He hopes to persuade undecided delegates to vote for him. Taft controls delegates and is nominated on the start ballot. Roosevelt, challenge to be "a victim of a fraud," walks out of the Republican Convention taking his delegates with him.Democratic nomination is much more hard and drawn out. Wilson is the eventual nominee.
July 1912 Taft follows tradition and does non go on the entrada trail. He allows others within the Republican Party to campaign for him.
August 1912 Progressive Party holds information technology convention in Chicago. Party nominates Theodore Roosevelt every bit its candidate in the 1912 election.
Oct 1912 In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John Schrank attempts to assassinate Roosevelt. The wounded Roosevelt insists on giving a planned speech.
November 1912 Presidential Election held. Wilson wins in a landslide.Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Party come in a distant second. However, they soundly beat Taft and the Republican Party.Results are: Wilson vi,293,454 votes; Roosevelt 4,122,721 votes; Taft 3,486,242 votes; Debs 901,551 votes.

Photos & Ephemera


My hat is still in the band.
Schmidt Bros. & Co., 1911


Teddy Roosevelt raising his hat.
National Photo Company, ca. 1911


Wilson and Taft standing side past side at the White Business firm.
Unknown, ca. 1912


President William Howard Taft, 1911 speech.
Unknown, 1911


Presidents Taft and Wilson in automobile.
Unknown, 1912


Good Farewell Teddy.
Launscher, Fred C., 1909


Progressive Party Certificate.
Unknown, 1912


Photograph of Socialist Party poster.
Unknown, 1912

Political Cartoons


Among the Bull Moose rushes.
Harper's Weekly, 1912


The latest arrival at the political zoo.
Harper'due south Weekly, 1912


Class 3 judging pumpkins
Harper's Weekly, 1912


On the political expressway.
Puck, 1912

rc2008.011.05.jpg I

'm glad, William, that you are opposed to divorce.
Harper'south Weekly, 1911


Mount Roosevelt in eruption.
Harper's Weekly, 1912


Bull Moose convention the only entrance.
Harper's Weekly, 1912


The elephant: "Well, you've helped rip me apart and 'downed' yourself! Now I hope y'all're satisfied."
Harper's Weekly, 1912


"The wise custom which limits the president to two terms regards the substance and not the course."
T. R., November 8, 1904.
Harper's Weekly, 1912


The President.
Harper's Weekly, 1914


The mammoth chameleon constitute in U. S. rarely in Africa.
Harper's Weekly, 1912


Third political party: the littlest show on Earth. All tickets expert whatsoever time.
Harper's Weekly, 1912

Campaign Songs

Teddy Roosevelt

"We're Ready For Teddy Once again"
Music past: Alfred Solman
Lyrics by: Harry D. Kerr

"Taft and Sherman"
To the tune of "Yankee Doodle"
Lyrics by: George E. Fairbanks

"Wilson – That'south All"
Music by: George Walter Brown
Lyrics by: Ballard Mac Donald

"Voting for Labor (Debs)"
To the tune of "Marching through Georgia"
Lyrics by: James R. Townsend

Boosted Resources

The President.
Harper's Weekly, 1914


Chace, James.1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs – The Ballot that Changed the Country. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004.

Flehinger, Brett.The 1912 Election and the Ability of Progressivism: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003.

Gould, Lewis L.Four Hats in the Ring: The 1912 Election and the Nascence of Modern American Politics. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2008.

Silber, Irwin.Songs America Voted Past: With the Words and Music that Won and Lost Elections and Influenced the Democratic Process. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1971.

Audiovisual Materials

"Cleveland to Taft: 1885-1913."The Presidents: The Lives and Legacies of the 43 Leaders of the United states. DVD. The History Aqueduct, 2005.

TR.American Experience. DVD. PBS Home Video, 1996.

Woodrow Wilson.American Experience. DVD. PBS Home Video, 2002.

"Wilson to Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1913-1945."The Presidents: The Lives and Legacies of the 43 Leaders of the United States. DVD. The History Channel, 2005.

Spider web Sites

The American Presidency Projection. 2008. UC Santa Barbara. http://world wide web.presidency.ucsb.edu.

Parlor Songs 1800s-1920s: In Search of American Popular Song. 2007. ParlorSongs Association.http://parlorsongs.com/index.php


Source: https://nationalcowboymuseum.org/explore/savior-spoiler-teddy-roosevelt-third-party-candidate-1912/

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