Can I Upload Files From Dropbox to Mixcloud

In one case you lot've produced a DJ mix (or "mixtape") you're proud of, it'southward only natural y'all'll want to share it. But how?

Really the first question you should be asking yourself is "why?", because the answer to this volition dictate the best way – or combination of ways – for you to get your mix out to the earth.

In this article, we'll look at how DJs today share their mixes,. It should give y'all lots of ideas almost how to brand that mixtape – the 1 you lot've worked so hard to go right – work for y'all out there.

five Places To Share Your DJ Mixes

1. Mixcloud

Mixcloud is the rex of online mixtape sharing. Information technology is a website where you can upload a mix, add artwork and a description, add a timestamped list of tracks, and then get a link to your mix to share with others.

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Listeners can play the mix from their browsers, only also from dedicated mobile apps. They tin can also follow y'all equally an artist on the platform, and "subscribe" to what y'all do via a scheme called Mixcloud Select, where you tin can actually earn money from people who savor your mixes on the platform.

Snapshot of Phil Morse's Mixcloud profile
All of my livestreams are uploaded to my Mixcloud page straight after the broadcast ends.

The most important thing is that information technology is legal – anybody gets paid, including the artists. Mixcloud is reliable, works pretty well, and there are many DJs on in that location who actually make quite a bit of money from it.

Read this adjacent: How To Master Your DJ Mixes (And Why Y'all Need To Do Information technology)

That said, it does have a monthly subscription fee that y'all'll have to pay when you starting time using the platform seriously, and the majority of DJs would never brand back in subscription payouts what they pay to use the platform – so don't approach it every bit a money-making scheme. Instead, think of it as a safe, respected place to host your mixes online.

two. SoundCloud

A similar system to Mixcloud, although information technology is designed for producers to host individual tracks, not for DJs to host whole mixes, and it is confronting their terms and conditions to do so (bold you're sharing copyrighted material, which you will exist of course).

That said, despite the ups and downs DJs and SoundCloud take had in their relationship over the years, there are still many DJs who use this platform to host their DJ mixes, and many of them never encounter any problems with copyright takedowns.

Snapshot of DJ Roger Sanchez's Soundcloud profile
Despite the threat of copyright claims, plenty of DJs happily upload total mixes to their SoundCloud.

Again, y'all pay for the more than advanced features, simply in this case, none of that coin goes to the artists, and then practice remember the ethics of doing this. It may make sense to mail service your mixes to both Mixcloud AND SoundCloud – Mixcloud for posterity (they ought to stay up at that place forever) and to benefit the artists, and SoundCloud for its undoubted wider reach.

How mixtapes used to be shared…

In the "old days", we mixed to cassette (metal or chrome if nosotros were feeling posh – those who know, know!), then used a record-to-tape player to make duplicate cassettes, to give out to promoters, sell to fans for a flake of pocket money, to have with united states to gigs, and so on.

Later, it was DAT, and then direct to CD-R, but essentially we'd still be giving out hard copies of our mixes one fashion or some other. And then, of form, the cyberspace arrived, and more importantly, the MP3. This, coupled with fast upload and download speeds, changed everything…

iii. Online cloud services

If you merely want to be able to permit people access your mixes for professional purposes, information technology may exist equally like shooting fish in a barrel equally merely uploading them to an online cloud file-sharing service.

While Dropbox is a popular choice, simply become with whatever cloud service y'all're comfortable using.

If you lot already use Dropbox (nearly DJs practice), you lot're proficient to get – but equally iCloud, Google Bulldoze and all the others have similar feature sets. You upload the mix, so do whatever your organization requires to go far "public" or "shared". You'll then be able to grab a link so that anyone can click the link to listen to or download the mix.

Read this next: 3 Things To Do If Your DJ Mix Gets No Listens

It's nowhere near every bit wink or consumer-friendly as the dedicated services higher up, and should be thought of more equally a way of getting a copy of the mix out to people who want it, rather than emailing information technology, because your mix will almost certainly be too big to send as an email attachment.

One prissy idea is to have some artwork as a JPG, a track listing as a TXT file, and your mix MP3, pop them all in a binder, and ZIP the folder up, so that it is the compressed Zero file that you share – that way, people have something to "open up", and so read and look at, while they're listening to your mix.

4. USB drives

You could mitt out actual physical USB drives, with a copy of your mix on them – fifty-fifty meliorate if you take my communication from above and include artwork and rails listing, and better still if you include an "electronic printing kit" with more info about yous and your DJing.

USB drive with DJ branding
Passing out branded USBs nicely blends old schoolhouse networking with new school technology.

Nowadays it is much cheaper than you might think to become a pile of relatively low capacity USB drives to copy your mix onto, and indeed, if you research business promotional catalogues, y'all will find companies that can provide you lot with, say, 100 branded USB drives for pennies apiece, which tin exist really cool to give out.

Create pro-sounding DJ mixes fast, every time: Pro Mixtape Formula course

While sometimes it's nice to give something concrete out, do remember that ultimately, people will have to plug it into a computer to hear it, which maybe is a barrier y'all don't want to put upwardly. The combined press kit/mixtape idea is probably the best one if you want to get down this route.

5. CDs or cassettes

Yup, the old ways have notwithstanding got legs. How many cars practise you think are still out in that location with a forlorn CD slot in the dashboard? If you give out your mix as a CD, information technology may end up being the but CD that ever gets played in that machine from today until the day the car is retired!

You'll need to edit it down to seventy-lxxx minutes, buy a CD burner (they're cheap), and figure out how to add rail markers (yous can do it in Audacity, the gratuitous audio editor for Mac, PC and Linux). It is probably also worth trying to find printable CD labels, to brand your CDs await nice, too.

I wouldn't ever advise making this your chief style of giving out mixtapes, merely for when promoters are giving y'all a lift in their cars, and you spot that CD slot, having a CD to hand to them from your bag will certainly get yous remembered.

Read this next: Mixtapes: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Hitting Record

We've even heard of DJs transferring their mixes to cassette tape, and handing them out with a cassette actor – plain expense dictates that this is a tactic y'all'll want to reserve for the odd very special occasions, and the whole thought won't fit the aesthetic of most DJs at all, but for some, it could be only perfect.

Pile of cassette tapes in front of a player
DJs who spin retro sets (or who embody that aesthetic) can easily add this to their promo pocketbook of tricks.

Our Recommendations

I'd recommend you lot put your mixes onto Mixcloud, and promote each one besides equally y'all can, and additionally, accept a SoundCloud backup. Here are some ideas for how to promote your mixes once yous've done this:

  • Share them with the accounts of every single artist featured on social media
  • Share the link in your email signature, on your website, in your social bios
  • Put playlists of the music you lot used on Spotify or other streaming services, to build awareness of the mixtapes
  • Make certain all your fans know when y'all release new mixtapes – it'due south a proficient idea to build an e-mail list of subscribers for this, and for other purposes
  • Have your business cards feature your mix URL
  • Consider "performing your consummate mix as a livestream, and telling people where they tin can detect the "mixtape" version (ie without you talking over information technology)
  • Offer them to online radio stations to add to their programming – you may desire to add together DJ idents to your mix, for some actress branding in this case

Making DJ mixes won't automatically get you gigs any more, but they are effectively an "sound business organization card" for you, and for all kinds of reasons – helping you to meliorate as a DJ, documenting your journeying equally a DJ, forcing you to practise, and more – they are well worth doing.

Read this side by side: How To Turn Your Mixtapes Into A DJ/Producer Podcast

Hopefully this article has given you some new ideas well-nigh what to exercise when yous've got a mix to promote – and recollect, if y'all want to know how pro DJs actually make their mixes, quickly, easily and without having to commencement again every time they make a mistake, exercise bank check out our Pro Mixtape Formula course.


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