Behold the Lightbulb of the 21st Century! - Yanko Design

It may take some patience and skill to alter a lightbulb, but information technology takes but i brainwave to change the mode nosotros perceive lightbulbs. The LightCube redefines the lightbulb in a way that makes it easier to use, easier to switch, and free energy efficient enough to exist the time to come of lighting.

Rather than maintaining that lightbulbs should be designed to fit into fixtures, the LightCube actually comes with a plug at its end. This effectively makes every plug-bespeak in your abode a potential fixture for your light, allowing you to customize where you identify lights along your house, rather than relying on the house's inbuilt wiring plan. The LightCube tin can be said to be different from the traditional bulb in nearly every way. Aside from the plug fixture, variants of the LightCube even come up with batteries assuasive yous to unplug the lite and acquit it around with you lot while it'due south switched on, and cables, giving you the freedom to extend the reach of your LightCube, rather than being limited to plug-points. The LightCube also has a visually disruptive yet iconic switch detail correct on the front that doubles down as a gesture control sensor. Y'all tin manually operate the Calorie-free via the switch, or wave your hands across the sensor, having it switch on and off. Hand-gestures even permit you to activate the dimmer on the light, giving yous more control over your calorie-free than you tin dream of with your electric current light setup! On the inside, the LightCube is completely LED based, providing free energy-efficient light in both warm and absurd colors.

Instead of existence just a standalone bulb, the designers backside the LightCube besides envisioned an ecosystem of products to kickstart the LightCube Revolution. The first in the series is the adaptive lamp design, titled the LightShade, that not only serves as a table-lamp, but even extends to get a floor lamp, providing jot simply diffused, but even focused lighting that can exist adjusted without the need of hinges or moving parts, simply merely by the virtue of clever design. A look at the video to a higher place fifty-fifty shows how efficient the LightShade and the LightCube are in adapting to all situations, even condign an emergency light that tin be popped from its holder and used to scrummage for something important that may accept fallen behind your table, or nether the bed. The Gesture control organisation likewise proves to exist profoundly useful, allowing to double up as a motility detection light, and so you don't have to worry most finding the switch in the dark!

Miles ahead of the incandescent bulb, the fluorescent bulb, and some may even say the LED Smartbulbs in the market today, the LightCube is what you become when good trouble-solving meets crowdfunding to claiming age-old norms. To exist precise, a calorie-free that is flexible, functional, efficient, reliable, and reasonable!

Designer: allocacoc

Purchase Now: $twoscore.00 $47.00 The YD Special cost. Only valid for 48 hours!











Comes in Common cold White or Warm White.


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